Dr. Mary Louise Van Winkle Teaching Learning Center (TLC)
Professional Staff Development and Instructional Media Lab


The mission of the TLC is

• to provide assistance to DCC faculty and staff who have questions about educational technology

• to provide training and resources for the use of current and new technologies for teaching

• to provide a state-of-the-art multimedia laboratory for instructional design and delivery

• to train and assist faculty and staff  with multimedia applications for special projects related to teaching


The Dr. Mary Louise Van Winkle Professional Staff Teaching Learning Center is designed to provide
training and assistance to DCC faculty and staff in the creative and effective application of technologies for teaching, learning, and scholarship.  Our friendly staff members help faculty and staff to design instructional multimedia formats and learning modules to supplement the traditional classroom, and to develop online and multimedia courses.

The Teaching Learning Center exists to meet the mission and goals of Dutchess Community College. 


For questions and suggestion, contact Nancy Wozniak, TLC Director at 845-431-8976 or code64://|HkMCSlBHRB8AT0NLTlZNGFVNWExLQ0liUVdMW0ZXVkFKR1FRDEdGVwAcLygrK1VNWExLQ0liUVdMW0ZXVkFKR1FRDEdGVx4NQxw=|34|/.