Dr. Mary Louise Van Winkle
Professional Staff Development and Instructional Technology Center

Exploring Your Management Style - Is your mind set for Technology?



You need to know yourself and your course delivery style to plan effective technology presentations and projects. What's your classroom management style? Will this style work well in a technology-rich classroom? Which statements best describe you in the classroom?


  1. Classrooms should be quiet for students to learn.

    Students learn best in active, interactive classrooms.


  2. Classroom control is critical.

    You have to expect a few disruptions when students are working in teams.


  3. Students need to be told what to do and when to do it.

    Students need to be self-sufficient.


  4. Students need to be watched closely at all times.

    I trust my students to be able to work independently.


  5. I really feel like I'm teaching when I'm doing large group activities.

    I feel that my best teaching occurs with individuals and small groups.


  6. I like lots of rules in my classroom.

    Fewer rules mean fewer problems.


  7. Good directions and guidelines mean fewer interruptions.

    Good directions and guidelines help students become self-sufficient.


  8. I spend most of my class prep time organizing lecture notes.

    I spend most of my class prep time designing learning activities.


  9. I say it once and expect the students to listen.

    I repeat myself a number of times using different examples.


  10. I expect students to take careful notes and ask questions at the end.

    My students understand that they can interrupt a demonstration to ask a relevant question.


  11. I will not accept excuses from a student who has difficulty completing a project.

    I work with students throughout an assignment to be sure they are on track.


  12. I am teacher-centered.

    I am learner-centered.


If you tend to agree more with the first statements, you'll probably have a more difficult time integrating technology into your classroom learning environment.  Talk to Nancy Wozniak for some suggestions and solutions.  ext. 8976